Top Reasons customers purchase MarkupX Tools.



Eliminate the need for dual monitors and wasted time searching for markups. With MarkupX Tools, the markups are projected directly into the authoring software, allowing you to complete your tasks in record time.


MarkupX eliminates any disconnect during design review by creating a seamless transition between designers and reviewers, allowing projects to be completed quickly, accurately and on time.


You can have confidence all markups are captured. Reviewers can easily verify markups are both completed and accurate.


Reduce costly RFIs and change orders.


MarkupX will save your teams over 3 minutes per markup while placing families can save over 5 minutes per element placement. The minutes per markup add up!

Working with Markups

MarkupX is bridging the gaps in coordination by bringing your PDF markups directly into your AutoCAD and Revit environments.

Revit Family Placement

MarkupX is a productivity tool that allows your PDF users to place Revit elements onto a PDF. These PDF elements can then be directly placed into your Revit environments with a click of a button.


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